Issue number: 
Ivanskiy Valeriy
Candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, Russian University of People's Friendship (Moscow)


The article is devoted to the concept of the state in two perspectives: in the light of the positivism-based methodology and the cognitive-quantum interpretation. Therefore, the first part of this article provides an overview of definitions of the state and criteria for its classification within the frames of the modern science, among which the most promising definition in scientific terms, according to the author, is that of the state as a union of people (the contractual theory).

The second part of the article describes the information-quantum nature of the state within the postnonclassical type of the scientific rationality. The information-quantum concept is one of the scientific areas of the postnonclassical science which investigates the state. Moreover, the author conditionally subdivides the second part of the article into two conceptual blocks: the first considers the informational structure of an individual formed as a result of decomposition of the higher «Self» quantum quasi-system superposition followed by localization of two of its states being the legal «self» protopattern and the judicial «self» pattern. Meanwhile, according to the author, the emergence of the protopattern within individuals may refer to the appearance of the ethnos, and the pattern may signify the appearance of the people.

The second conceptual block describes three developed conditions of the «society» quantum quasi-system being the ethnos, the people and the nation. Only two quantum quasi-systems, the people and the nation, act as a state-forming basis. Along with that it is possible to speak about a qualitively new tendency of forming the state: the involutional method of forming the state is based on constituting by the people of a political and legal ergregore, meanwhile the evolutional method is grounded on the opposite process: the ergregore forms the nation.

Along with the performance by the people of its mission being the political and legal ergregore, a new type of the state-forming people, the nation, emerges. The egregore, previously formed by the people, eventually becomes an independent energo-informational entity which establishes space with its own law and order referred to as the nation-state. According to the author, the state starts functioning not in accordance with aspirations of the people as a source of public authority, but in conformity with an autonomous egregore, the intent of which depends on the ideology it contains.

In the author’s opinion the basis for the state genesis is homo sapiens which has developed an internal necessity to integration with the ones of the same kind for fulfillment of long-term objectives and identifying themselves not only as a society based on a single culture, customs, religion and language – the ethnos, but also as a bearer of a historic mission – the people. For this reason Aristoteles called an individual with such intentions as being a political animal by nature. The process of political genesis is described through formation of the inner constitution of the subject based on formation of the judicial pattern and the legal protopattern, as well as within the information-quantum interpretation of those political and legal doctrines which considered an individual as an initial component in the emergence and development of the state.

Having investigated the emergence and formation of the informational component of the people, the judicial pattern of the subject within the historical context, the author recognizes the people as the first stage in the formation of the foundation of the state. Precisely it is the substantial approach in the context of which the author makes an attempt to analyze the information-quantum paradigm of the state where the people act as the substrate being a bearer of collective legal awareness, law and order. The final stage of formation of the people as the state is the establishment of the political and legal ergregore. Consequently, the constitution of these self-organizing informational structures within homo sapiens, the ethnos, and the formation of the political and legal ergregore within the people indicate the formation of the state.

The third part of the article covers philosophical treatises of representatives of different eras, from antiquity to the New Age, investigated from the point of view of the information-quantum (senior Sophists Hippias, Antiphon, H. Grotius, Epicurus, B. Spinoza, A. N. Radishchev) and materialistic (T. Hobbes, J. Locke, J.-J. Rousseau) interpretation of the ontological nature of the concept of the social contract.

Key words: 
state, society, ethnos, people, law and order, information, legal awareness, pattern, ergregore, “Self” quasi-system, quantum system, contractual theory


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